Mrs. Augustin's Grade 5/6 Class Blog

Grow, Learn, Connect, Serve


December 13-17

Hello Parents,

Time has surely scooted on by. It is hard to believe that this is the last week before Christmas Break!  This week is full of fun and learning!

Learning for students this week:

  • Math – Addition and Subtraction strategies with whole numbers and decimals.
  • LA- Christmas Reading Escape Room, Finishing our Event stories and having an Author’s Celebration
  • Science- We will be learning about the Respiratory and Skeletal system in our body.
  • French – Christmas items in French
  • Social Studies– Christmas traditions readings
  • Art- Christmas Tree Tessellation Art
  • Bible –  Review of the Names of Jesus

This Week:

Wednesday, Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day and Christmas Concert (If you do not have a Christmas Sweater, a Christmas outfit accented with a toque and scarf will work.)

Friday, December 17 – Class Christmas Party and here is the link: Food List    and Dismissal at 11:30 (Christmas Break!)


December 6-10

Hello Parents,

I hope you have had a great weekend with your family. This week is full of fun and learning!

Learning for students this week:

  • Math – Addition and Subtraction strategies with whole numbers and decimals.
  • LA- Adding dialogue and detail in writing.
  • Science- We will be learning about the respiratory system in our body.
  • French – Days of the month game
  • Social Studies– Christmas traditions readings and Christmas Carol escape room.
  • Art- Creating a Christmas Card for Canadian forces overseas to be sent off this week; KG Buddy ornament. Snow Globe ornament.
  • Bible –  Jesus is the “Bright Morning Star.” (Week 2)

This Week:

Wednesday, Dec. 8 – Assembly with Minute to Win It games

Friday, December 10 – BMV Isaiah 9:6 – Last BMV until January.

Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day (If you do not have a Christmas Sweater, a Christmas outfit accented with a toque and scarf will work.) 

Dec. 17 – Dismissal at 11:30 (Christmas Break!)


Christmas Party Plans

Hello Parents,

In our class, we will have a Christmas party with food and games on December 17. Students will be released at 11:30 on that day and will not need a lunch or snacks. I need your help with food for our Christmas party as I am supplying the games and prizes.   Please have your student bring the food the day of.

Here is the link: Food List.

We will not be exchanging gifts this year. I have a small gift and prizes for the students on the day of our party. We discussed, as a class, the huge needs of our community with flood relief efforts and people struggling to provide food and necessities for themselves. The temptation for Christmas to be all about what presents we receive can be a real struggle for kids.  Acts 20:35 says, “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”  How can we help them learn this in this season of Christmas? God laid on my heart that the money for a gift should go towards the Salvation Army. Jesus has provided and blessed us with much and so we can give, what we can, to help and bless others.


November 29-December 3

Hello Parents,

I am reminded of the Bill Gaither song, Because He Lives, which says, “Because He lives I can face tomorrow, Because He lives all fear is gone
Because I know, I know He holds the future, And life is worth the living just because He lives.”  We do not know what we will face this week with weather and possible flooding, but we will trust God through the journey. This week, we are watching the Nativity movie in small parts during our devotional time. Mary and Joseph faced a difficult journey, yet God was ever present with them as they looked for and trusted in His direction.

Thank you for taking the time to meet me Friday for learning conferences. It was really nice to spend time with you and have your student share their areas of strength and growth from their perspective as well.

This week, we will continue with some projects and assignments that we did not finish last week and will decorate our classroom for Christmas. Just 14.5 days of classes until Christmas break! Can you believe it?

Some parents have asked me for book ideas for Christmas. Here are a few links that have a great selection of book ideas. I would also recommend looking for a Bible translation or style that your child connects with. There are so many styles and translations now that help students deepen their faith.

Grade 5

Grade 5&6

Grade 6

Grade 7

This Week:

Wednesday, Dec. 1 – Quiz on French days of the week. *CHAPEL TEAM- NO chapel team as Mrs. Dekoff will be doing Christmas carols

Wednesday, Dec. 1- Food Drive Begins – Money donations can be made at the office, e-transfer or by your student bringing the donation to class.

Friday, December 3 – BMV Psalm 145:9-10

Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day and recording of the Christmas concert

Dec. 17 – Dismissal at 11:30 (Christmas Break!)



Important Information from the Leadership Team

Jersey Day tomorrow for all students. Wear your favorite sports team related clothing. If you do not desire to wear sports team regalia, you can wear your regular uniforms.

Grade 6 Students – There is no chapel practice before school on Wednesdays for the next two weeks.

Parent/Teacher Interviews:
Due to circumstances that now include floods with the Covid restrictions, we have made the decision to hold all the interviews online.

  • Grade 5/6:  In our class, this means that I am not allowed to meet in person but via a Google Meet link I will send you via email. I would still have your student join you in the virtual meeting. I have rearranged how we can still accomplish this using a digital platform.

Grade 6 Parents –  Immunizations: 

Today, you should have received the Fraser Health forms regarding the regular Immunization schedule for the 2021-2022 school year.  Please note that these are the regular vaccinations that students typically receive in Gr. 6. These are not COVID vaccinations

  • Visit 1- Wednesday Dec. 1, 2021
  • Completion visit- Wednesday June 1, 2022

The initial information we have on the rollout of the Covid vaccine for children 5-11 years old is that it will primarily take place at community vaccine clinics and parent consent will be required.  Mature minor consent does not apply to this group.  Students are not required to be vaccinated to attend school.

Salvation Army Food Drive: is happening once again and this year with all the evacuation efforts, the Salvation Army is in need of food supplies to replenish their stocks for the busy Christmas season.  The Salvation Army Food Drive begins Wednesday, December 1. We are running it like last year – – but I know that may feel like about 27 years ago, so here’s the recap:

  • We are setting a $ amount goal as a school of $6000.00
  • Students/families are invited to DONATE money to the food drive as the Salvation Army has more buying power than we do. All donations go to the SCHOOL OFFICE. Students and families can also e-transfer and debit. E-transfer to give@citylifechurch.
    If we make our goal by Wednesday, December 15, we will celebrate by having an ANIMAL DRESS UP DAY the first Wednesday we are back in January. Students can wear animal onesies, or other animal items. Our usual guideline is that 3 items means you are dressed up.
  • Right now, the Salvation Army can use all the money they can get as they are taking the lead on meal efforts for flood relief, providing extra supplies for those affected by this current situation, and then have the list of those already on the list for hampers and other needs this holiday.

Christmas Concert – Due to the current restrictions, we are not able to host parents and guests again for this event. We will be recording the entire production with a live audience of students and staff members. This recording will be made available to parents to view and share with friends and family.

Last day of classes before Christmas Break: Friday Dec. 17th All students will be dismissed at 11:30AM


November 22-26

Hello Parents,

I am praying for each family and home in my classroom. I pray God’s protection, provision and peace in some very uncertain times. One thing is certain, God is with us. Psalm 23 says, “Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need! He lets me rest in the meadow grass and leads me beside the quiet streams. He gives me new strength. He helps me do what honors him the most. Even when walking through the dark valley of death I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me, guarding, guiding all the way. You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies. You have welcomed me as your guest; blessings overflow! Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home.” What a comfort scripture is and the closeness of Jesus. 

It is interesting God’s timing of things. We have just finished reading a book, as a class, called Safe as Houses. It is historical fiction book based on true events caused by Hurricane Hazel in October 1954, when the Humber River near Toronto overflowed its banks and caused terrible flooding in the area. Each student now has personal experience with how flooding impacts lives.

This past week, I have had the opportunity to serve breakfast to Mexican migrant workers, stranded semi-truck drivers and other evacuees at my church, City Life Church. I know so many in our school community and church communities have been supporting feeding, housing and praying for those affected.  I pray this stirs our heart for supporting our community in a variety of ways. How do they see Jesus in us?

On Friday, we will have no school as we have conferences to explain how your student in doing both academically, socially and behaviorally in our class. I would like your student to attend this conference with you either via virtual or in person.  They need to be apart of the conversation about their learning in order to promote confidence and accountability. I realize that there is not enough spaces for each family and that not all families can make this. If you would like to meet with me outside of Friday, please email me with a time before or after school for the following week.

Learning for students this week:

  • Math – Grade 6: Integers (+ & – numbers) and Fractions  Grade 5: Rounding and Comparing Fractions
  • LA- Safe as Houses Diorama project, Reading strategies, Features of a personal narrative.
  • Science- We will be learning about the digestive system in our body.
  • French – Days of the week game
  • Social Studies– memory vault exercise; human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadian society.
  • Art- Finish Up art projects and start creating a Christmas Card for Canadian forces overseas.
  • Bible –  Jesus is the “Cornerstone.” (Week 2)

This week:

  • Students need a box about a shoe box size for their diorama project.

Wednesday, Nov. 24 – Jersey or Sports Team T-shirt day. Students are to wear a sports team jersey or t-shirt with a clear name of a team (local teams, Canucks, Raptors, BC Lions, etc.).  If students choose not to participate, they must wear their regular uniform.

Thursday, Nov. 25 – Genius Hour deciding on project: no supplies needed yet & BMV due Psalm 118:29 (fill in the blank, connection questions and a written prayer)

Friday, Nov. 26 – Learning Conferences: No school. Please sign up here.

Upcoming Dates:

Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day (Get creative! One year, I used a plain colored sweater I already had and added Christmas decorations from the Dollar Store.)
Dec. 18 – Christmas Break



Parent, Student and Teacher Conferences – November 26

Hello Parents,

I just wanted to update you on our first meeting this year. I would like for your student to attend this meeting (if possible) as they are the center of who we are discussing. They will have an active part in the meeting, in sharing three pieces of work they are proud of and also some areas they feel they are challenged in. I firmly believe in being transparent and accountable with students. Often students stress about what is going to be said by the teacher or parent in a conference. With the student included, there is less stress and more open discussion.

Looking at the possible time slots available on this link, I realize there are not enough times for the amount of parents in the class. If you would like to meet me on another day or time, please send me an email. I look forward to meeting with you.


Rachelle Augustin


November 15-19

Dear parents,

November is a very busy month. Each student will need an empty shoe box or box around that size for a project we are working on this week. I have a couple of boxes but not near enough for the whole class.

Learning for students this week:

  • Math – Grade 6: Integers (+ & – numbers) and Fractions  Grade 5: Rounding and Comparing Fractions
  • LA- Safe as Houses Diorama project, Reading strategies, Features of a personal narrative.
  • Science- We will be learning about the digestive system in our body.
  • French – Days of the week game
  • Social Studies– human rights and responses to discrimination in Canadian society.
  • Art- Finish Up art projects and start creating a Christmas Card for Canadian forces overseas.
  • Bible –  Jesus is the “Cornerstone.” (Week 2)

This week:

Wednesday, Nov. 17Jersey or Sports Team T-shirt day. Students are to wear a sports team jersey or t-shirt with a clear name of a team (local teams, Canucks, Raptors, BC Lions, etc.).  If students choose not to participate, they must wear their regular uniform.

Wednesday, Nov. 17 – Grade 6 Chapel team: Jessa, Josh, Nicholas, Michael, Tiffany, Maxim, Lauren, Jean, Jason *If you are unable to make it please email Mrs. Dekkoff at: dek33333@gmail.comFriday, Nov. 19 – Genius Hour deciding on project: no supplies needed yet & BMV due Psalm 118:29 (fill in the blank, connection questions and a written prayer)

Upcoming Dates:

Nov. 26 – Parent/Teacher Interviews (Information to come on Nov. 15th)
Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day (Get creative! One year, I used a plain colored sweater I already had and added Christmas decorations from the Dollar Store.)
Dec. 18 – Christmas Break


Look what we have been doing…

Circulatory System Observation Lab

Remembrance Day Art

Fall Leaf Art


November 8-12

Dear parents,

We have a lot happening within our school and in our class. Please read the Genius Hour tab! If you have extra empty shoe boxes or boxes around that size, we would love them for a project we are starting to work on this week and next week. This week we will collect be collecting donations for the Legion. Your student is encouraged to bring a donation to receive a poppy to wear.

Learning for students this week:

  • Math – How to decompose and compose a numbers.
  • LA- Safe as Houses Diorama project, Reading strategies, Features of a personal narrative.
  • Science- Exploring with hands-on activities what the heart does.
  • French – Days of the week
  • Social Studies– Remembrance Day readings and create a word search for a peer.
  • Art- Remembrance Day art set up for assembly
  • Bible –  Jesus is the “Cornerstone.”

This week:

Wednesday, Nov. 10 – Chapel and BMV due Psalm 34:8 (say the memory verse, connection questions and a written prayer)

Chapel Teams:

November 10th team: Nicholas, Jessa, Jade
November 17th team: Jessa, Josh, Nicholas, Michael, Tiffany, Maxim, Lauren, Jean, Jason

Upcoming Dates:

Nov. 17 – Jersey Day
Nov. 19th- First Genius Hour Project Hour
Nov. 26 – Parent/Teacher Interviews (Information to come on Nov. 15th)
Dec. 15 – Christmas Sweaters Day
Dec. 18 – Christmas Break
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