Mrs. Augustin's Grade 5/6 Class Blog

Grow, Learn, Connect, Serve


I understand the tight time tables that most families today juggle. I know that students also need a chance to be kids and rest after a full day of school. I will do my best to give adequate time to complete work in school, however, there will be times when students will need to commit time to finish work at home. I will communicate my expectations clearly when assigning such work.

If students choose not to do their classwork, the expectation is that they will need to take it home to be completed by the next day.  I will email home to notify you of what needs to be completed. I firmly believe in keeping students accountable for their choices.

Bible Homework

Students will be expected to know the names of the books of the Bible in order. On their test, they will need to rearrange the books of the Bible in order. They will not need to write them or spell them. We will work on the Old Testament books first and then the New Testament books of the Bible. Helping your child learn this through songs or games at home would really help them!

We will do what are called “Sword Drills” in class where they will need to find a specific Bible verse. Practicing this skill at home is important because it helps students familiarize themselves with the Bible.


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